Ep. 82 How to Create the Perfect Evening Routine

We talk a lot about having a morning routine but what about an evening routine? Evenings are a great time of day to make some intentional choices ahead of time and create a daily rhythm that helps you wind down and relax from your day. In this episode, we’re talking about: 7 steps to take when…

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Ep. 81 Using Self-Inquiry to Find Answers

Something that keeps coming up for us recently is the power we each have to determine the answers we need for ourselves. We often find ourselves looking outward for answers and advice. But we’ve found that the BEST way to change for real is through a process of self-inquiry -- asking ourselves really good questions and training ourselves to find answers. In this episode, we’re talking about: How to…

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Ep. 80 Intentional Learning

In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to approach our learning and education with more intention. We are in constant information overload, so it’s easy to spend so much time consuming knowledge that we feel overwhelmed and frustrated -- or we don’t take the time to apply what we’re learning. We’re talking about how to…

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Ep. 77 Spiritual Peaks & Troughs

In this episode, we’re talking about the peaks and troughs we all face in every area of life. We often think our personal growth should be on a straight upward trajectory, always ascending and improving, but in reality, things are continually in flux despite our best efforts. Kristin shares her current experience being in a spiritual trough and…

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Ep. 76 An Interview With Our Husbands

We’re a little extra chatty on this episode because we’re interviewing our husbands today! Bryce (Laura’s husband) and Kenny (Kristin’s husband) allowed us to pick their brilliant brains about their own approach to personal growth, friendship, and living a fulfilling life. We talked about…

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Ep. 74 Creating a More Intentional Summer

In this episode, we wanted to chat about how our summers are going and what we can do to either keep things going well or pivot so the season can end on a high note. Often we have high expectations for how we’ll prepare for or celebrate a certain time of year and end up disappointed when the reality isn’t as thrilling as we’d planned! We chatted about…

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Ep. 72 How to Prepare For a Big Change

In today’s episode, we hear some very exciting news from Laura, along with a conversation about how to prepare for a big change! Any kind of major life change (even if it’s good) can throw you into a tailspin. But in our conversation, we share 5 steps that give you confidence and help you prepare for whatever is happening in your life. We chat about…

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Ep. 70 How to Progress in Healthy Ways

If you’re listening to this podcast, you probably love personal development as much as we do. But what do you do when all that striving to progress feels tiring and hard? What about when you don’t see the progress happening and are impatient for the outcome? We’ve both been facing questions like this so it inspired a conversation about how to progress in healthy ways. We talked about…

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