Ep. 73 Starting a Creative Business

We’re talking about BUSINESS this week on the podcast! Do you have a creative business idea you’ve always wanted to start? Do you have a creative gift you think the world should know about? Click through to hear our best tips for getting started in …

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This episode is for anyone who has or dreamed of having their own business! We could talk about business all day (and sometimes we do) and we know lots of our listeners are creative people who love the idea of starting a business that supports their creative work.

We chatted about:

  • How business itself can be an amazing form of creativity

  • What to do if you feel the pull to turn your creative passion into a business

  • Why you need to focus on strategy AND mindset

  • The 3 super simple steps to start any business

  • How to get the word out

  • How to find ease within the growing stages of business

  • Finding the time to make it happen

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • Ep. 64 How to Trust Yourself

  • Kristin’s Blog Post on Time Management - A great blog post for any mom’s struggling to find work/life balance.

  • Patreon: Want to really apply what you learn on the podcast & get one on one help? Then you’ll want to join our $10 Patreon supporters and get access to our monthly live training calls + our mini courses + bonus episodes and more! Just click HERE to sign up and get all the good stuff!

Recap of Episode

We’re talking about BUSINESS this week on the podcast! Do you have a creative business idea you’ve always wanted to start? Do you have a creative gift you think the world should know about? Click through to hear our best tips for getting started in …

Three Simple Steps to Starting Any Business

I think you only need to do three things in a business, you need to have an offer, you need to market your offer, and then actually make sales of your offer.

  1. Have an offer

  2. Market your offer

  3. Sell your offer

Business can be the ultimate exercise in creativity, especially if you have a creative art that you want to sell. Then you've got your creativity work but also the business that you can build around the creative work, which is creative in itself!

Maybe business can just be fun! Maybe it's just a fun experiment. Maybe it's just full of trying things and making mistakes, and then trying something different. And finding the pathway along the way.

This is for anyone who has or dreamed of having their own business! Click through to learn why you need to focus on strategy AND mindset, the 3 super simple steps to start any business, and how to find the time to make it happen!

Struggling to get started?

I think what happens when we try to consume all that information and find the answers from someone is that we don't take action. We're just consuming and not creating anything. And the only way to get to where you want to be is to take that action.

How do you get started? You just do one tiny thing, and then another. The next answers will come, they're just hidden right now. And they will become clear once you do one or two steps. They will be there. You just have to do the work first!

Feel like you don’t have enough time?

Feel like you don’t have enough time? If you commit to an hour every single weekday, and you force yourself to only do productive things during that hour (no research, no email, no social media), you just take big action that moves the need, you can get so much done!

You can also check out this blog post all about time management!

You Can do this!

If you're feeling that pull towards some kind of creative business and it keeps coming up, you should listen to it!

Are you experiencing imposter syndrome? Just own where you are and your current level of experience and still make the offer anyway.

Just talk about your business like a normal human! Talk about it in your own voice and say, ‘I made this thing and I really like it. And I think you will too.’

This is for anyone who has or dreamed of having their own business! Click through to learn how business itself can be an amazing form of creativity and what to do if you feel the pull to turn your creative passion into a business.

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Want to really apply what you learn on the podcast & get one on one help?

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If you liked this episode then you’ll really LOVE this one!

ep. 64 How to Trust Yourself