Ep. 68 Nurturing Your Relationship With Creativity

We’re taking a different spin on creativity! If your marriage or relationship was lacking, you’d want to give it some extra time and attention and love right? What if you thought of your creativity as a relationship that needed similar nurturing? Th…

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We’re taking a different spin on creativity today! If your marriage or relationship was lacking, you’d want to give it some extra time and attention and love right? What if you thought of your creativity as a relationship that needed similar nurturing? That’s the idea we’re chatting about in today’s episode.

We talked about:

  1. What the current state of your relationship with creativity is like (long-distance? neglected? needy? healthy?)

  2. The magic that happens when we commit fully to our creativity

  3. Laura’s sneaky trick for getting the ideas flowing

  4. Dealing with creative burnout and knowing when to quit a creative project

  5. How to face the fear of criticism

  6. Why we don’t need to worry about pleasing everyone

We LOVE this episode! It’s perfect for anyone with a creative job, someone who feels burned out with their creativity, or anyone who’s just feeling like they’ve lost the creative spark.

Recap of Episode

What is the current state of your relationship with creativity? (long-distance? neglected? needy? healthy?) No matter where you’re at with your creative work, the solution is simple!

What kind of relationship do you have with creativity?

Which one of these types of relationships best describes your current state with creativity and how do you want it to change? Do you have a….

  • Long distance relationship, you don’t get to see each other very often

  • A neglected relationship

  • A controlling relationship

  • Needy, too much in your face, doing too much of it, exhausting

  • Is someone in the way of your relationship? Third wheel. Fear or an actual person between you and creativity

  • A healthy relationship -- what does that look like for you?

3 Great Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Creativity

  1. How do you want to feel when you’re in this relationship?

  2. What kind of future do you want to have with creativity?

  3. Is there something that you want to create together?

Asking yourself a few of these questions might help you figure out what kind of relationship you have with creativity and the kind of relationship you really want to have!!

Are you committed to your creativity?

Sometimes we don’t take our creativity seriously enough to commit to it and maybe that’s why it’s not coming is because you haven’t committed. As soon as I fully committed to do my part of showing up, creativity’s part kind of started working out too. The magic showed up. Things started happening because I committed.

How To Get The Creative Ideas Flowing

Here’s Laura’s sneaky tip on how to get all the best ideas:

“One thing that I love doing is whenever we need to come up with a podcast episode or I want to write more or any kind of creative thing I want to do, I kind of prep my brain a little bit about that topic. So I will think a little bit about it or write a tiny bit about it and then I’ll go do something like take a shower or go on a walk or even just go to bed. Get it started and then let my brain rest and then the ideas start to come after that.” - Laura

When We’re Creative We Are Vulnerable

Just remember - Whenever we’re creative we are vulnerable. Always. It’s just something that is the core foundation of creativity is being vulnerable. And with that fear comes along. It’s so easy to let fear get in the way.

Afraid of criticism?

Here’s what Kristin does to help with fear of criticism:

“Let’s just all assume that I’m doing my best, but that my best is going to have some things that aren’t quite right and that are available and in front of all of us to criticize. That’s part of being creative and putting something out there. That’s not easy at all but to put it out there anyway and say, I’m okay with being scared to put this out there, that people might criticize it. “ - Kristin

You cannot please everyone. And why would you want to? Because in trying to please everyone, what you’re trying to say doesn’t get said. It gets watered down. It gets diminished.

Don’t try to hide the things that make you different and unique but highlight them, shout them from the rooftops so that it’s clear who you are and what you’re offering so that people can easily say, “Yes I want that” or “No, that’s not for me.”

You got this! Keep nurturing your relationship with creativity and spreading your goodness into the world because we can all benefit from it!

In this episode we chatted about the magic that happens when we commit fully to our creativity, Laura’s sneaky trick for getting the ideas flowing, dealing with creative burnout, and how to face the fear of criticism. Perfect for anyone with a creat…

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