Ep. 71 Learning How You Communicate With God with Darla Trendler

Do you want more connection and communication with God? In our latest episode of The Progress Project, we’re talking with Darla Trendler about partnering with God in all aspects of our lives, but especially motherhood. Click through to listen in or …

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In this episode, we’re talking with Darla Trendler, host of the Spiritually Minded Mom podcast about communicating with God. Darla has so much wisdom to share when it comes to the spiritual life.

We chatted about:

  • Seeing God as a partner in motherhood

  • The most important thing Darla has learned about receiving answers from God

  • How taking action gives us power

  • How to start communication with God if you’re feeling stuck in your spiritual journey

  • Creating an environment that invites God’s presence in our lives

  • The secret to dealing with overwhelm (this part is life-changing!)

Links Mentioned In This Episode

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Recap of Episode

Do you want more connection and communication with God? In our latest episode of The Progress Project, we’re talking with Darla Trendler about partnering with God in all aspects of our lives, but especially motherhood. Click through to listen in or …

The Most Important Thing About Receiving Answers From God

Taking Action is Key!!

Darla says, “I think the biggest thing I’ve learned can be summed up in one word: act. If you want to live in personal revelation, if you want to be guided by God, then when He tells you to do something, do it.

When I acted, I received power. I started to feel like I was living in personal revelation.”

It’s so great to ask yourself, “What is most essential now?” Then act! It’s so hard not knowing all the answers, but as soon as you act then the next step becomes much more clear.

We loved how Darla Partners with God as a mother. She said, “When I partner with God, He can give my kids exactly what they need. I don’t have to be everything to them. In motherhood, He knows so much more about our kids than we do and we don’t have to be everything because He is everything.”

Feeling stuck in your spiritual journey? Listen in on our latest conversation where we chatted about creating an environment that invites God’s presence in our lives, how to partner with God and communicate with Him in a new way, and the secret to d…

The Secret to Dealing with Overwhelm

If you’re feeling overwhelmed then you’re relying on yourself. You have to rely on God.

I’ve made a choice that I’m not going to feel overwhelmed.

I can’t rely on myself. I have to rely on God. And when I rely on Him I can do everything that HE wants me to do. There’s an enabling power in the Atonement and that is what I’ve learned -- that I can do more with Him. I can’t do it on my own.

Feeling Stuck In Your Spiritual Journey?

If you’re stuck in a spiritual journey, just start by asking God how He feels about you. He will let you know and it may not be in the way that you think.

I think we’re entitled to a partnership with God and communicating with Him. It takes listening and figuring out how He speaks to us but He wants to communicate back with us. It’s not just a one way thing.

We create an environment in our lives that either invites His presence or pushes it away. It might not be through something you think of as a direct sin, but might be something like using our time on an activity that’s not necessarily bad instead of so many other things that could bring actual goodness into our lives. It pulls and creates more of that distance from God. Then when you come back to the things that bring you close to Him, it’s hard to find that connection when you have taken actions that put the distance there.

In our latest podcast episode, we’re talking with Darla Trendler about communicating with God. We talked about the most important thing Darla has learned about receiving answers from God, how taking action gives us power, and how to start communicat…

“If you’re feeling overwhelmed then you’re relying on yourself. You have to rely on Him.”

- Darla Trendler

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