Ep. 82 How to Create the Perfect Evening Routine

If you’ve ever felt like your evenings could be a little more intentional, this is the podcast episode for you. We’re talking about EASY ways to enjoy your evenings more, whether you use them to work, relax with Netflix, read, or take a bath. Click …

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Ep. 82 How to Create the Perfect Evening Routine

We talk a lot about having a morning routine but what about an evening routine? Evenings are a great time of day to make some intentional choices ahead of time and create a daily rhythm that helps you wind down and relax from your day.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • 7 steps to take when creating an evening routine

  • How to decide what you want from your evenings

  • What to do your routines when your schedule or life changes

  • How to keep it super simple (this is not a major overhaul!)

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Recap of Episode

We talk a lot about having a morning routine but what about an evening routine? Evenings are a great time of day to make some intentional choices ahead of time and create a daily rhythm that helps you wind down and relax from your day. Click through…

Creating time in the evening just for you!

Is there anything you do in the evenings that you look forward to all day?

I love that moment when the kids are settled in bed, the house is clean, and I can do… WHATEVER I want.

But really, that mostly just means I hide out in my bed and either watch a show, read, or write in my journal and release all expectations of feeling like I need to get anything else done.

How do you spend your evenings??

We’d love to hear in the comments below or on instagram.

When you are more intentional about your evening routine and create one that works for you it can really help you create a specific feeling that you want to feel at the end of the day.

How do you want to feel during or after your evening routine?

  • organized, relaxed, productive, refreshed, recharged, peaceful, free etc.

Just remember YOU get to choose what your routine looks like.

Maybe it’s a time you clean and prep for the next day. Maybe it’s a special time where you work on a project that you love. Maybe it’s a time where you take care of yourself and relax. Maybe it’s a time where you get to spend time with your spouse. It doesn’t matter what you choose, just make sure it’s what you want. It’s all about being intentional about that time, however it looks for you.

Is there any part of your day you notice could be a little more intentional? We’re talking about 7 steps to take when creating a daily routine in super simple ways. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

7 Steps to Create the Perfect Routine

  1. Identify the problems/struggles - why you don’t have one or why it’s not working for you

  2. Decide WHY you want one

  3. Picture your ideal evening routine then pick out one thing you’d really love to make happen that’s doable

  4. How do you  want to FEEL during and after your evening routine

  5. Look over your limiting beliefs/hurdles to get over

  6. Pick ONE first step to implementing then you can eventually add on once it’s a habit

    • Remember not to do a huge overhaul. Make sure it’s just as easy to do it as not to do it. 

    • Use way of life app to turn it into a habit

  7. What to do when schedule/life changes?

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