Ep. 78 Dealing With Distractions

We all are bombarded by distractions everywhere we turn -- things that stop us or slow us down when trying to do what matters most. How can we stop feeling controlled by these distractions to check our phones every few minutes, see the latest notifi…

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Ep. 78 Dealing with Distractions

We all are bombarded by distractions everywhere we turn -- things that stop us or slow us down when trying to do what matters most. How can we stop feeling controlled by these distractions to check our phones every few minutes, see the latest notifications, try to multitask, or to grab a snack as you walk past the kitchen pantry?

We’re talking about all this and more:

  • How to deal with the distractions in practical ways

  • Why it matters to train yourself to not give into a distraction when it shows up

  • 4 important questions to ask yourself to discover your biggest distractions & discover why it matters to you to overcome them

  • 6 ways to prevent being sidetracked when the urge to be distracted appears

  • How to teach your kids the importance of not interrupting or distracting you

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo: Ep. 263 The Urge Jar

  • Patreon - Join our $3 or $10 monthly supporters and get access to our Bonus Episodes + Mini Courses + Live Training Calls + helpful guides so you can create the life you wan tot live!! Click HERE to learn more!

Recap of Episode

If you ever feel like every time you try to do your most important work, something distracts you from getting it done, this is the episode for you! We’re talking about how to deal with distractions in practical ways and why it matters so much to tra…

Why Resisting Distractions Matters

It doesn't always seem like a big deal to give into distractions. But in the long run, it is a big deal because when you resist those distractions and urges, it gives you power and allows you to trust yourself more often. You learn to follow through on things and get the things done that you said you would do.

Those distractions always flare up when I'm doing something uncomfortable, or doing something that matters. 

Our brains want us to do anything BUT the hard thing that matters.

Be more productive by learning to overcome distraction urges! Click through to read about the four important questions to ask yourself to discover your biggest distractions & discover why it matters so much that you overcome them.

4 Questions to help you overcome your biggest distractions

  1. What’s your biggest distraction right now?

  2. Why are you letting those distractions affect you? 

  3. When do you feel the most distracted?

  4. How would your life be different if you didn’t give into those distractions?

    *Ask yourself, “Who’s the person I want to be and how would they react to these distractions?”

Benefits to resisting those distractions and urges

When we focus and resist are distractions and urges that's when we do our best work -- when we're really in the zone and don't have distractions. We can focus completely on something.

We can practice leaving a little space between the urge and the reaction.

Who is in charge? You or your distractions?

“One adjustment that will benefit almost any family is to make the internet, social media, and television a servant instead of a distraction or, even worse, a master.” - Quentin L. Cook

It’s always good to ask, “Are my distractions controlling me or am I controlling them?”

6 Ways you can resist your distractions & urges

Here’s what’s been working really well for Laura. Feel free to try one or two of these that might be a good fit for you!

  1. Set an intention at the beginning of the day. Write it down, breathe it, mantra etc

  2. Pray for help

  3. Jot down any little to-do’s or things that come to mind save them for after I’ve finished the task

  4. Have a deep reason of why I want to focus and not be distracted

  5. Recognizing how often you’re getting distracted 

  6. Congratulating yourself when you resist those urges or distractions.

Don’t Forget

There's a reason why you're being distracted so much when you're about to do something good and important. The force in the universe that does not want you to be creative and does not want you to make good things and do good in the world will do everything that it can to stop you. It's showing up in the form of apparently harmless distractions. 

The times that we feel the most resistance are when we’re doing something that really matters. Let that be a signal. “This must be important if I'm having this many urges so I better get to work.”

Don’t forget to schedule in time to let yourself be distracted! It’s just like when you were little - Chores first, then go play! When you schedule in time to let yourself be distracted then there’s no added guilt!

We all are bombarded by distractions everywhere we turn -- things that stop us or slow us down when trying to do what matters most. How can we stop feeling controlled by these distractions to check our phones every few minutes, see the latest notifi…

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