Ep. 102 Surviving Survival Mode

Are you in survival mode? When life throws us off track, we often find ourselves struggling just to get through the day, let alone worry about our good habits and personal growth. You might be sick, in the middle of a big move, having a baby, or dealing with grief. In this episode, you’ll learn…

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Ep. 101 How to Stop Feeling Rushed

Wouldn’t it be nice to not feel so rushed throughout your day while still getting everything done on your to do list? In today’s episode, Laura walks you through 5 simple ways you can go from feeling rushed, frantic, and busy to feeling more calm and focused WITHOUT taking anything off your to do list…

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Ep. 100 The 3 Skills You Need To Start Your Own Progress Project

In this special 100th episode we wanted to share the three most important skills we’ve learned from starting The Progress Project & how you can easily start applying these three skills into your own life. If you’re ready to start making progress on what matters most to you then you’ll love this episode! We talked about…

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Ep. 99 Surrendering to Outcomes

In this episode, we’re talking about the idea of surrendering to outcomes. Often in our goal setting, relationships, expectations, or plans of any kind, we have a particular idea of how it “should” go and what we want the outcome to be. And when things don’t go the way we hoped or planned, we can experience some really negative emotions that might be unnecessary.

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Ep. 98 Welcoming Change

In this episode, we’re talking about how to navigate times of change in your life. Whether it’s a change you’ve chosen like a new goal or opportunity -- or something you didn’t ask for, like an unexpected job loss or move, we’re talking about how you can not only get through this season but welcome the change and see what it has to teach you.

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Ep. 96 What a Fulfilled Life Looks Like

We used to think that lasting happiness was always just around the corner. If we could just figure out this problem or get this thing we wanted, then it would be smooth sailing and we’d finally be living the fulfilled life. Click through to learn how to actually create a life of lasting joy.

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Ep. 95 Make Progress on What Matters Most

Are you working hard on the wrong things? Are you not working hard enough on what matters most? We talk often about finding your purpose and today we’re talking about using that clarity to start making progress in your life on what matters most to you. Let’s make sure you’re working hard on the RIGHT things. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

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Ep. 94 Ten Minute Reset (Bonus Episode!)

Do you ever feel exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, distracted or uninspired at some point in your day? Sometimes at those times we tend to distract ourselves with browsing our phone or grabbing a snack, but giving yourself a 10-Minute Reset might be exactly what your body and mind actually need!..

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Ep. 93 Loving Others Better Using the Enneagram with Natasha Smith

If you ever wish you knew what was going on behind the behavior of your family members or friends, today’s podcast is for you! We’re talking with Enneagram coach, Natasha Smith all about how the Enneagram framework can help us understand ourselves better AND improve our relationships with anyone in our lives. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

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Ep. 92 How to Write Your Purpose Statement

Have you ever heard people talk about having a purpose statement for their life or a personal mission statement that they live by? It might sound lofty to create something like that for yourself but it’s actually totally doable and can be a life-changing way to start living more intentionally. In this episode, we’re talking about…

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Ep. 87 Making Change Stick With A Compelling "WHY"

How often have you tried to make a change in your life only to have motivation fizzle out sooner than you expected? You’re left disappointed in yourself and discouraged about trying again. We have found that the secret to making change that lasts is all about your “why” behind it. When you are clear on a compelling reason WHY you want this change, you are far more likely to keep up on the hard part of making change…

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Ep. 86 Creating The Life You Want to Live

Do you ever think about how incredible it is that we all have the same basic needs and desires -- and yet we each go about creating a life that fulfills those needs and desires in completely different ways? It’s so exciting to think about the reality that we can create ANY kind of life we want to live. In today’s episode we chatted about…

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Ep. 85 Drama-Free Decision Making

How often do you struggle making a decision? We waste so much time and mental energy either putting decisions off too long, worrying what to choose, or regretting what we’ve already chosen. How can we save this time and mental energy and make decisions without all the drama? We’re chatting all about that in today’s episode! We cover…

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