Ep. 88 Giving Yourself Grace

What does grace actually mean? How can we accept grace from God, others, and ourselves? Click through to learn what your life might look like with more ease and acceptance in your life.

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Ep. 88 Giving Yourself Grace

We say it at the beginning of every episode, but we’re dedicating a whole episode to it today: giving yourself plenty of grace along the way.

We talked about:

  • What grace actually means

  • How we can accept grace from God, others, and ourselves

  • Imagining what life might look like with more ease and acceptance

  • The opposite of grace and how to recognize that in our lives

  • A unique way to use mantras that calls upon the love of God and others (don’t miss this part!)

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • FIND YOUR PURPOSE COURSE: If you’re ready to start setting goals from a clear understanding of WHO you are and WHAT you really want, you’re ready for our Find Your Purpose course. It’s available to purchase December 30th - get on the waiting list HERE.

  • Join our PATREON community

    • Get our monthly BONUS EPISODES and more for just $3.

    • Come join other growth-oriented women who are learning to trust themselves and do more of what matters most to them! For just $10 you'll not only get exclusive monthly content, but access to our 5-step Framework we use to make any change in our lives! Click HERE to watch a video & get started!

  • Download our Free Create Your Own Mantra Guide HERE

Recap of Episode

We’re always talking about growth and change but we can’t forget the other side of growth -- accepting grace and help from God, others, and ourselves. If you’re tired of doing it on your own, learn how to accept the grace that’s always available.

7 Mantra’s You Can Use to Give Yourself More Grace

We both use mantras in so many ways and it’s usually an “I” statement like “I have exactly as much time as I need.” But Laura suggested using a mantra in someone’s voice besides your own. It might be God, a parent or family member, a friend, or a loved one who has passed away. Imagine what they would say to encourage you or cheer you on.

  • “You’ve already made it.”

  • “I’m so proud of you.” or “We’re so proud of you”

  • “You are loved.”

  • “You’re doing so well dear one”

  • “You have all the tools you need”

  • “You’re not alone in this”

  • “You have everything you need to do this.”

See how powerful that can be?? Grab our free Create Your Own Mantra HERE to create a mantra that speaks to you!

We say it at the beginning of every episode, but we’re dedicating a whole episode to it: giving yourself plenty of grace along the way! If you feel like you’re doing it all on your own, there’s another option full of rest, love, and ease.

Tired of trying to make change that doesn’t last?

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