Ep. 120 Racism and Showing Up Imperfectly

Today we wanted to join the conversation around racism happening in the U.S. and across the world. While we are not experts to educate on this topic (see the resources below for that), we at least wanted to share what we’ve been thinking about, learning, and changing when it comes to anti-racism.

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Ep. 119 How To Create Your Own Personal Mantra

It’s no secret that one of our favorite, most-used tools for personal growth is using a mantra. It’s the best way we know of to form new thought habits in your brain and believe something new -- which automatically helps you get closer to who you want to be. In this episode, you’ll learn how to find the perfect-fit mantra for you.

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Ep. 116 Finding A Solution

In this episode, we’re sharing our 10-question journal prompt formula for finding solutions to any problems you’re facing. Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up space in your mind, mastering the skill of solving problems without drama is the key!

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Ep. 112 How to Stop Wasting Time on Your Phone

When we asked our listeners what they struggled with most when it comes to time management, we heard again and again: “I wish I could stop wasting time on my phone!” We’ve both struggled with the exact same thing and in this episode, we’re diving deep into the mindset and strategy of how to solve this problem once and for all! We talked about to…

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Ep. 111 Using Priority Mode to Get Good Work Done Fast

Do you ever feel like you’re busy all the time but not really productive? This month we’re talking all things time management and today’s episode is all about how to get the most important stuff done in the limited time you have to yourself. You’ll learn: What Priority Mode is and how to use it to get way more done than usual and how to…

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Ep. 110 Time Management For Moms

Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive. In this first episode, we’re talking about: How you can find pockets of time in your week just for yourself…

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Ep. 109 How To Create A Strong, Close & Loving Family

If one of your goals in life is to create a strong family, today’s episode is full of inspiration! We’re interviewing Lauren Condie and Lisa Minnick, a mom and daughter duo Laura has known since childhood. Their family has always been an example of closeness, love, and strength. We chatted about: Their two secrets to a happy, loving family and…

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Ep. 108 What Do I Actually Need?

What do you actually need today? Are you actually giving yourself the things you truly need or are you getting caught up in distractions? In this episode, we’re talking about this question and all the ways in can apply in different areas of our lives for our benefit. You’ll hear: More about the concept of emotional alignment, Using self-inquiry to discover where we need something different and…

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Ep. 106 A Life Filled with Joy, Beauty & Simplicity

Do you ever wonder if it’s possible to find more happiness in ordinary life? This week, we’re talking about how to find more joy, beauty, and simplicity in the everyday. We’re chatting about finding more joy in repeatable tasks, making your time count, looking for opportunities for inspiration and how to simplify family adventures…

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Ep. 104 Emotional Alignment

In this episode, we’re talking about emotional alignment: the ability to feel a general sense of contentment and wellbeing through the ups and downs of life. When we’re in emotional alignment, we recognize and appreciate the good and accept and process the bad without resistance. Listen in to learn what…

  • What emotional alignment looks

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Ep. 103 Choosing Differently

Creating the life you want to live is all about making little daily decisions. So if we want something new or different we have to remember that we need to choose something different than we have in the past. In this episode we’re talking about applying this simple but powerful concept to any goal, habit, or problem you’re working on. You’ll hear…

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