Ep. 12 Overcoming Worry and Anxiety

How to overcome worry and anxiety

Today our conversation is for the chronic worrier. Both of us have always been the worrying type so we shared a few tips and strategies that have helped us overcome it.

We discuss the question that can help you find out whether your worrying is excessive and three specific tips to help you stop those anxious feeling in their tracks. We also talk about how worrying is a choice and how to use it as a “trigger thought” to replace worry with a better feeling like gratitude or peace. Finally, we talk about many of our worries just being thought habits that we can change for our benefit.

Click below to listen

Here are all the links that we talked about in this episode!

Favorite Things: 

Kristin- Hamilton the Revolution book that Kristin has been loving!

Laura- Monell's - awesome family style restaurant in Nashville that Laura just went to.

Links Mentioned: 

Article about older people’s greatest regret being worrying so much: How to avoid the greatest regret in life

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Do you follow our lead and come away from our episodes with an action item? What’s your action idea after this week’s conversation about worry and anxiety? Are there strategies you use to get yourself out of worry thought loops?

Laura's action item this week: Be more aware of her senses in moments of worry/anxiety

Kristin's action item this week: Journal about her worry/anxiety and what's weighing her down right now.