Ep. 11: How to Live a More Creative Life

How to live a more creative life

In this episode, we talk about creativity - the difference between creativity and imagination, getting out of a creative rut, and consuming less so we can create more. We also ask ourselves how we can find our own voices, create meaningful work, and bring more creativity into our everyday lives.

click below to listen

Here are all the links, pictures, and freebies for you that we talked about in this episode!

Favorite Things:

Kristin - The Simplified Planner by Emily Ley

Laura - Insight Timer meditation app

Links Mentioned:

Try out the printable versions of The Simplified Planner

Yoga & Meditation playlist on Spotify

The picture Kristin took of the boy in Paris:


Pinterest collection of Kristin's favorite images

Picture of Kristin's embroidery project:
