How To Feel Your Feelings

Today we're talking about what it means to actually process your emotions -- and how to do it. If we don't take time for this, our unprocessed feelings can build up and create not just emotional consequences but physical consequences too. Click through to learn the 3 easy steps to process any feeling or emotion.

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Using Curiosity to Create Possibility

Today we’re talking about an underrated tool that can help you find opportunities, alleviate frustration, open your mind, and loosen your expectations: curiosity. You’ll learn about: 5 areas of our lives where curiosity can open up possibilities and journal prompts to help you utilize curiosity as a tool.

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Guided Meditation: Permission to Be Okay

Enjoy a sneak peek into our premium content that we offer our Patrons every two months! This guided meditation is a chance to give your creative self love and permission to just be. It’s a gentle reminder that however you’re feeling today or whatever you choose to do today, is okay....It’s perfectly okay.

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How to Plan Creativity

Is it possible to plan creativity or do you need to wait until inspiration strikes? We’ve found that not only can you plan creativity, but there’s actually a reliable process to follow for your creative projects. In this episode you’ll learn the 4 step planning process that can…

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Ep. 129 How To Enjoy Self Care and Drop the Guilt

You probably know you could use some better self care, but what would that look like? And how do you realistically drop the guilt about it? As you listen to this episode, we want you to imagine what it would be like to not just take care of yourself, but to GENEROUSLY take care of yourself. We’ll share a few ideas of our own, plus…

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Ep. 127 How To Keep Up On The News Without Freaking Out

If you’re anything like us, you either watch the news and feel totally stressed out by it… or you avoid hearing the news so you don’t have to feel anxiety about it! Today, we wanted to go over a few ways we use to help us stay informed about what’s going on in the world without stressing out (too much!) about it…

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Ep. 124 Inspiring Creativity in Your Children (and Yourself!) with Rhonda Steed

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Rhonda Steed, one of the most creative people we could think of! We talked all about: How Rhonda has created a home and family full of creative inspiration. How she encourages her kids to be creative in their own ways and…

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