Posts in Intentional living
How To Trust Yourself With Your Time

Ever feel like something is holding you back from creating, making progress, and sharing your gifts? There’s a good chance that what’s holding you back is a lack of trust in yourself. Today, Laura will teach you how to finally move forward with those goals you have. Click through to learn the 3 things you’re probably not doing if you feel like you can’t trust yourself with your time…

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What Are Your Time Management "Rules"?

Today, Kristin shares how implementing some rules or boundaries in your time management can help you be more effective in ANY area of your life. You’ll learn: How boundaries can help you avoid guilt about how you spend your time, how to discern what area of your life needs better boundaries and much more!..

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How To Be More Intentional About The Time You Already Have

Next up in our time management series, we’re talking about how to be intentional with the time you ALREADY have available. You’ll learn: 4 simple questions to ask yourself to pinpoint where you want your time to improve and how to decide which specific area of life or time of day needs your attention.

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Time Management Reset

This article kicks off our time management series! EVERY aspect of personal growth is made easier by having good time management skills -- and you can learn those skills much more easily than you think! Today, we’re talking about how to do a time management reset.

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Loving Yourself & Your Efforts

Why do we need to practice loving ourselves and the efforts we make toward growth? Because the love we have for ourselves filters into EVERYTHING that we do, whether it’s your creativity, relationships, motherhood, or work. We’ve found that the more we love ourselves and our efforts the more likely we are able to show up the way we want to…

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The 5 Most Important Meta-Skills for Personal Growth

If you’re itching to super-charge your personal growth, keep reading! Over years of goal-setting and personal growth efforts, we’ve learned that progress is not just about the particular goals you achieve or the exact changes that you make. Real progress happens when you learn the meta-skills of personal growth -- those higher level skills that enable you to succeed in ANY area of life. Today we’re talking about the 5 most important meta-skills for personal growth…

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Need a Life Overhaul? Start Anywhere.

Do you ever feel like your entire life just needs an overhaul? Sometimes it seems like every single area of life is lacking and that you need to fix everything all at once. But here’s the truth: how you do ONE thing is usually how you do EVERYTHING. And by progressing in one area of life, you’ll progress in others simultaneously. Keep reading to learn more about how this works…

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How To Focus On Things That Have A Lasting Effect

It’s possible (and easy!) to be more intentional with where you’re putting your energy and to notice the lasting effect it’s having on your life. Today we want to help you take a step back from your life so you can see what’s working, what’s not working, and how to give yourself plenty of grace along the way.

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Mind vs. Intuition: 4 Steps To Access Your Intuition Anytime

Today we’re teaching you the difference between your mind and your intuition. Both sides of us offer useful tools to help us in our day-to-day lives and in reaching our potential, but sometimes we give our mind work that is better suited for our intuition. You’ll learn how to separate from all the noise in your head and much more…

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Aligning Your Mind, Body & Spirit For A More Intentional Year

Today we’re exploring how you can sync your mind, body, and spirit. You’ll start feeling more whole, more unified, more connected with yourself so you can have a more intentional year. Click through to learn the one super-simple tool you can use to connect to your mind, body, or spirit…

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Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

It’s a new year and we’re feeling the energy and excitement of new possibilities! Today we’re chatting about what it is about a new year that gives us momentum plus how to find new inspiration for this time of year. We talked about what we each learned about taking a month-long break from the podcast and a couple changes we’re making in our own lives.

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Do You Need A Break?

One theme we always return to at The Progress Project is balancing growth and grace. If you’ve been in a season of a lot of growth, maybe it’s time for a break? Click through to learn: How to make a break actually happen + 3 questions to ask yourself to prepare for an effective break…

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Taking Charge Of Your Learning (and how to do it for free)

In this episode, we’re sharing a concept we call translation. This is when you adapt what you learn from books, podcasts, videos, or anything else into a language that applies specifically to you. Click through to learn more about this topic, plus: 3 ways to use translation to take your learning even deeper…

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How To Stay Motivated With Your Creative Goal

One question we get a lot is “How do I stay motivated with my project or goal?” People find that they start something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm and then as the feeling of motivation fades, willpower kicks in, and then that runs out too. Then what? That’s the point where most people quit. So today we’re teaching how you can maintain motivation and enthusiasm for your creative goal…

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Opposition In All People (How To Forgive Quickly & Easily)

Most of us are familiar with the idea of opposition in all things -- that there is contrast in life which helps us appreciate the good. But what if there is opposition in all people too? What if everyone has good and bad, light and dark, same and different? And what if everyone is in need of regular, daily forgiveness? Click through to learn how to forgive others more easily…

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Strengthening Your Family With Words With Mike and Erin Allen

We talk often about the importance of having a purpose statement for yourself, but have you thought about having a purpose statement for your family? We’re talking to Mike and Erin Allen today about how to strengthen your family life with words. You’ll learn how to have a more intentional family life and…

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How To Feel Your Feelings

Today we're talking about what it means to actually process your emotions -- and how to do it. If we don't take time for this, our unprocessed feelings can build up and create not just emotional consequences but physical consequences too. Click through to learn the 3 easy steps to process any feeling or emotion.

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