Ep. 66 Becoming a More Creative Person

In the latest episode of The Progress Project, learn how you can add creativity into your life. Click through to listen to the episode or check out the blog recap.

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What does it really mean to be creative? What do you want to create more of in your life?

Some of us don’t feel very creative, at least not all the time.

Today’s episode is an encouragement to discover where in your life you can spark some creativity.

We talked about:

  1. A long list of ways you can add creativity to your life

  2. The power of recognizing, naming, and owning the creative things you’re already doing

  3. How we can ignite an emotion that will fuel our creativity using music, movies, or any kind of art someone else has created

  4. The power of consuming art mindfully rather than information

Recap of Episode

What does it really mean to be creative? What do you want to create more of in your life? Click through for a list of ways you can add creativity to your life, the power of recognizing, naming, and owning the creative things you’re already doing, an…

What do you want to create more of in your life?

Ask yourself what area of your life would benefit from being more creative! Creativity means to create or produce something that wasn’t there before. So what is it that you want to create more of in your own life? Here’s a few ideas to get you thinking.

  • Better relationships with others

  • A spiritual practice- Check out Ep. 66 of The Progress Project: The Power of a Daily Spiritual Practice.

  • Better conversations

  • Beauty & atmosphere in your home

  • Solutions to problems

  • More creativity with your kids

  • Systems or routines

  • Time for what matters

  • Experiences

  • Creating more with a tight budget

  • New ideas in your business

  • A project or hobby

One of our favorite tips to fuel your creativity?

FEEL something! Watch an inspiring movie, turn on music that speaks to you, see a live performance, or explore a museum and take in the art. Mindfully consuming others’ creative work -- especially if it’s different than yours -- can move you to expressing your own self in a brand new way.

Be mindful of what inspires you -- what really speaks to you? And then seek after those things.

We often talk about the importance of creating rather than consuming. But maybe we need to give more attention to the idea of mindful consumption of really amazing art. And maybe the problem is in consuming too much information instead of art.

Consuming art can inspire you to take action. A great question to ask yourself is, “What’s the person I want to be and what kind of things should I consume to help me be that kind of person? “

What does it really mean to be creative? What do you want to create more of in your life? Click through for encouragement & ideas to help you discover where in your life you can spark some creativity.

Links Mentioned in this episode:

  • Ep. 66 Creating a Daily Spiritual Practice

  • The movie called: About Time - so good!!

  • Bonus Episodes! For just $3 you can get access to our monthly bonus episodes that are designed to help make a huge impact in your day in a short amount of time. Just click on PATREON to check out everything you can get when you support us for $3 or $10.

  • Find Your Purpose Course: Grab our free guide to help you discover your true purpose. Get a sneak peak of our course and everything you’ll be getting including your very own beautiful physical workbook! It’s seriously our FAVORITE thing we’ve ever made and love sharing it with others!!


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What do you want to create more of in your life?

Just comment below or catch us on instagram @jointheprogessproject

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