Ep. 14 Becoming The Person You Want To Be

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The Best Questions to Ask Your Future Self and what to do once you've asked them.

How to become the person you want to be

In episode 14, we’re talking about how to become the person you dream of being.

We encourage you to think of your ideal future self -- what she is like, how she acts, what her life is like -- and intentionally create that self with your actions now.

We talk about the four areas to explore when creating a vision statement for your life and provide a list of questions to get you inspired.

Plus Kristin shares the journaling exercise she’s been using to access that future self and learn from her.

Click Below to Listen

Our Favorite Things This Week:

Kristin- Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden Book You can also find her beautiful account on Instagram Here

Laura- A Swedish Folk band called The First Aid Kit

Links Mentioned:

Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This Weeks Freebie:

Creating the Blueprint for Your Future Self

In this Freebie we go over four areas of your life: Self, Family, Home and Influence.

We list the best questions to ask your future self in each category in order to get to know her better. Once you've answered a few, you then have a blueprint of how to become more like your future self. Lastly we go over three steps on how to use this blueprint to help you become more like your future self!

Click HERE to get this Free PDF and access to our whole content Library!!

This was such an eye opening experience for us and has helped us become more like our future selves...who are pretty awesome! 

Hope you try it out to! Let us know what you think! 

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