Ep. 1 Meaningful Conversations

How to have more meaningful conversations

In this, our very first (!) episode, we talk about having better conversations, whether with people we know and love or the strangers we encounter in daily life. And as we will do every week, we each share our current favorite thing!

Push the play button below if you'd like to listen to the episode here. 

Show notes

Here are all the links, pictures and freebies for you that we talked about in the episode. 

If you need clarification on what exactly a Man Cold is and why it’s SO SERIOUS: Click HERE to watch the quick youtube video (“I called for you, I said ‘Lauraaaa! Lauraaaaa!’ But you didn’t come!”)

The adorable picture of Opus Laura painted for Bryce’s birthday:

Opus painting.jpg

The book darts Kristin is so excited about. And here's how those pretty book darts look in use: 

book darts.jpg

Laura’s current read: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Don’t forget to grab our guide on having more meaningful conversations:

Make sure you head to Instagram to tell us your thoughts and questions on this topic!

We'd love to hear what you thought of the episode!