Ep. 9 Getting Started With Minimalism

How to get started with minimalism

Today’s conversation is about minimalism. And for a topic all about LESS, this podcast ended up with MORE info than we usually record... clearly we’re still figuring out minimalism ourselves!

We think of minimalism as clearing the clutter to make room for what’s most important. It’s freedom from whatever is excess that weighs you down. We talk about how to get started living with less without being overwhelmed by it, resources to get you inspired, and how minimalism is not just about possessions, but about a mindset and approach to everything in life.

We also share practical tips about what to do with sentimental items like gifts and keepsakes and how to keep less moving forward.

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Be sure to get a hold of our Freebie for this Episode! 

Simplify your life -which areas to simplify and tips to help you simplify for real. 

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A little more sneak peak!

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Show Notes

Our Favorite Things This Week

Laura's Favorite Thing: Minimalism: A documentary about the important things 

  • If you need a little encouragement to get started on your spring cleaning, check out a little bit of this documentary.

Kristin's Favorite Thing: The Lazy Genius podcast episode #58

  • Laura's going to check out this episode this week! If you want to learn more about morning routines and how to do it in a way that is beneficial to you, then you'll want to listen to this episode of The Lazy Genius Podcast.


Kristin's Go To Books on Minimalism 

Where to Find Inspiration for a More Minimalist Life

Be sure to get a hold of our Freebie for this Episode! 

Simplify your life -which areas to simplify and tips to help you simplify for real. 

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