How to Make Your Goals Happen

How to Make Your Goals Happen

This week’s topic is goal-setting. Nope, it’s not January, we just love setting goals allllll year long! Laura and Kristin share how they each approach goal-setting and how they incorporate yearly goals into daily life.

click below to listen to episode

show notes

Here are all the links that we talked about in this episode.

Kristin and Laura's new favorite way to plan goals and actually make them happen: Using Lara Casey's PowerSheets

Laura's favorite thing this week: Homesick Candles

  • The Utah one smells so good and they make great gifts! Although the L.A. one might give you a headache FYI.

Kristin's favorite thing this week: The show called The Good Place

  • Bryce and Laura are going to check this one out!

Recap of the Episode

Best tips for making your goals actually happen


One of the best tips we can give you for actually making your goals happen is to see them often! Whether they hang on the wall near your desk, in your journal, or as a bookmark for your planner, they should be reviewed again and again throughout the year.

We’ve learned that most goals can be broken down into tasks or habits, each of which should be treated differently.

Larger projects can be broken down into tasks, which then should go straight onto your calendar or to do list -- whatever you use to guide your daily activities.

Habits might also be useful to see on a daily calendar or list but we’ve loved using the Way of Life app or simple visual reminders wherever you need them. That might be a post-it note on the bathroom mirror reminding you to floss or your scriptures on your pillow reminding you to read them before bed.

In the episode, we also talked about what to do when you face resistance with your goals. Sometimes circumstances change and a certain goal no longer makes sense for you. Don’t be afraid to let those goals go.

Other times, goals can suddenly stop being exciting or motivating and you’ll find yourself losing momentum. If that happens, we like to do a little work to explore why we’re feeling that way. Here’s a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What’s holding me back from achieving this goal?  

  • What are the thoughts and feelings surrounding this goal?

  • How can I change those thoughts to re-motivate and inspire myself to get back to work?

  • What am I afraid of by committing to this goal?

That last question is a big one. Being willing to face those underlying fears and confront the thoughts behind them can be the key to letting them go.

A few last tips we covered today:

  • Honor your calendar. This means doing what you say you’re going to do when you’re going to do it. If you can trust yourself in this way, when you break down goals and put them on your calendar and to do list, they’ll actually happen!

  • How you phrase your goals matters. Sometimes we tune out words or phrases we hear often and need to rephrase something to be inspired by the same idea. “Pray every morning” could instead be called “Connect with God once a day.” Use whatever words inspire and motivate you.

  • Be sure to continue nourishing goals that you’ve already worked on. Just because it may be a new year doesn’t mean you have to overhaul every area of your life. If something is working well, make it a goal to keep it working well!

  • We love what Lara Casey often says about goal-setting: there’s nothing magical about January 1st. Make or refresh goals whenever works for YOU, not the calendar suggests.

Above all, remember that the point with setting goals in general is not just to get stuff done. We look at goals as tools to help us make permanent changes to become the people we want to be. It’s worth the effort!

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